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SD Cascade Is Amazing!

I have been testing the latest SD (Stable Diffusion), Cascade, for about a week or so now. It is still not officially available to my webui of choice, Automatic1111 yet, but by using a makeshift extension I have been able to use it with limited configurations. At first I wasn’t too impressed because I got images like these:

Then a couple of days ago I just tried something very random. I used the following four word promt just to see what would happen.

Generate random interesting images

And I was not disappointed! SD Cascade generated a ton of beautiful, interesting and very imaginative images for me. Here are some examples.

These images were, in my opinion, both random, interesting and beautiful. I generated a lot of these images over a day, and hardly any of them came out weird, disfigured or ugly.

And today I thought to myself, why am I just using “interesting” to describe the images I want to create? And I started to replace the word “interesting” with different words, and here are the results!

Generate random scary images

Generate random cute images

Generate random mysterious images

Generate random strange images

Generate random odd images

Generate random sexy images

Generate random nature images

Generate random images of women

Generate random images of men

There’s several interesting takeaways from all this.

  • Cascade doesn’t require long and complicated prompts
  • Cascade make a difference between scary, strange and odd
  • AI knows what we think is scary, cute and sexy

You might argue that: Well it doesn’t know, it’s been trained

To that I will answer, yes it has been trained to know whats scary, sexy and cute and it learned. Now it knows.

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Published inAI ImagesTech